Friday, July 29, 2016

iTunes U offers opportunities to learn on line. Can it help Liberians?

I am back from a two-week vacation in Florida with my son’s family. And the second week I swam every day In the Gulf. On the Gulf there is a breeze and in water though warm I stayed cool. There was a heatwave in Florida where are the temperatures reached 100° and my medication reacted to it. In two weeks my body became a little more custom to it. The experience boosted my doctor's advice to build up my conditioning and lose weight. It is clear to me right now I am not ready for Liberia. 
Can I improve my own overall health? That will be the key. 
In the meantime today I was exploring iTunes learning opportunities for both college and high school. Online education is a real option for those who are in areas where's school was not developed. Liberians love their phones and as cell towers are built Smart phones and tablets can be used for Liberians to tap in to improve their education. 
The Liberian government should look into online education to develop for the interior. The Liberians have the language, culture to bridge education through the 15 languages andEnglish overall. 
Some of the resources are free others have a price with I Tunes U. These resources can certainly supplement material for teacher to bring to their students. I am for example in my retirement doing studies with Dallas theological seminary. Some of the courses I may purchase for credit to complete the Study. For example I am studying New Testament Greek but to get all the lectures I will have to pay for it. At my age I'm not necessarily sure I want a Masters, but who knows. The material offered is worth the study.
Why am I doing this stuff? I think
this child is worth the best.
Is it possible to get a K-12 education that can fit into a third world workers budget? Many people in Liberia who need education only make about $100 hundred hours $150 a month. These working people are worth the same as you and I in an economy where we make more. They need an opportunity but that that means more was have to volunteer our time and effort. 
So my Liberian friends check out iTunes U. Can it help you? Can you access it? Those of you who are in education in Liberia how can online support improve education in Liberia? 

This stuff spurs me on to get to Liberia to test this out.