Tuesday, January 26, 2016

To know Jesus we have to know the truth about sin and death.

If you want to begin a walk with God, it starts by faith with knowing Christ as your Savior. Has anyone ever shown you from the Bible how you can know God through Jesus Christ and know for sure you are going to heaven? May I show you?

The bad news: 

Recently too many died in the Ebola out break. Death breaks our
hearts with sadness. 
The Bible tells us “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” Romans  3:23 We have all done things wrong. The 6 commandments dealing with human behavior show us what we need to know, we have all lied, stole, disobeyed our parents, hated, had sexual thoughts toward others we shouldn’t have, coveted others belongings or relationships. You may argue one area but we have all done something wrong. Because of our sin we don’t meet God’s standards for entrance into His Heaven. We fall short. If you and I wanted to throw a rock to Monrovia from Harper, I think you could throw farther than me. Both of our throws would come up short of hitting the Monrovia. It is even a greater problem going to heaven. We can’t get there on our own. Every funeral shows us that as we look at the body of a loved one. There is no life left in the body. That body will go back to the earth. We are helpless after death; also we don't even know where heaven is.
In Romans 6:23 the Bible tells us in Romans 6:23a, For the wages of sin is death,” A wage is something we earn and because of our sins we earn death. Death comes to us all. In any culture and at any time you would have to agree that is bad news. 
We have a big palavar wouldn't you say.

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