Saturday, August 13, 2016

I can see the difference it makes

Moses is making progress on his home
Most people in world are poor. Also the majority of Christians are poor. We live the fallen world and as a result we will always have poor people. This is such a big problem no government or person can remove poverty from the planet. Today there is a common outcry about our founding fathers either compromising or benefiting from slavery. But did you know that slavery is a big problem today. Slavery was always wrong. In the first century church 60% of the population were slaves. A large number in the church were slaves. We can learn from history but we need to be aware of real problems today. There are millions of slaves today.
One of the consistent sarcasm's against the church today is that the church is filled with so many dysfunctional, uneducated, lower class people. The church is often a haven for the mentally ill. If we look pass some of these modern labels the common thread is that the church is made up of a lot of poor people. People in poverty and they are always easy targets.
I have many happy memories of sitting in poor villages talking to very poor people. Many of these people only had the
He is building his home
during the raining season
clothes on their back. We shared stories back-and-forth. A poor village wouldn't give me the honor of a bottle of coca-Cola. The cost of that drink would be a day’s wage. I learned so much about the Liberian culture. 
Things are improving in Liberia. Most people in Liberia make $150 in a month or less. The best way to live in Liberia would be to have a job and the ability to continue some level of traditional farming. The poorest people in Liberia are unable to continue some level of traditional life, packed into the city's ghettos there are a lot of desperate people. 
There is no amount of human resource they can meet the need around the world, or even in the United States. We will always have a problem of human poverty. 
This is my opinion that this should humble us. If we look at it closer it can even overwhelm us. Our level of ability to inflict pain and oppression on one another goes above my comprehension. 
Bible conferences are reaching many w the Good News
As a Christian I can't ignore the poor. Helping the orphan and the poor is basic to a biblical religion. All humans suffer from spiritual poverty which is why I share the gospel. There are strong appeals from God to care for the poor in the Old and New Testament. Our response should be personal and addressing some need that we are aware of. It is not first a call out to others, first personal response. 

That response certainly made involve cooperation with other people doing a specific situation. In my case, it is being aware of people in my life who are in poverty. I am blessed to help those I know in Liberia. I certainly have my limitations, but it's good to know I can make a difference. Seeing these few take advantage to improve their education, to improve their shelter and home. To improve their care and education of their loved ones. To see them share the gospel and encourage others in their church. What ever I can encourage for the people of Liberia in regard to online education or clinics I know there's a few poor people who God connected me with to bless them. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Great article from WSJ. Education in South Africa struggling like our own urban schools. Can online support help Sibonelo?

The Wall Street Journal published the story today on report of South Africa schools. Apparently teachers are not accountable and many students are on school grounds missing classes and participating in gambling and drugs. In the classes there are too many unmotivated students. Schools such as Orlando West High School that was a beacon of light for students has now deteriorated. 
According to the article more money is spent on education, 20% of the South African budget which is a higher percentage than either Switzerland or Japan. In fairness I think it's safe to say that Switzerland and Japan make more money and have a more stable economy. More money is spent on education then healthcare or military in South Africa. 
Many classes are canceled because the teachers to stay home. Drugs like marijuana and
Sibonelo 18 wants to study botany
home made opiates are widely used. Motivation is certainly being affected. 
Sounds just like in the US  there are not enough jobs in the marketplace to give people an opportunity for success. Educators and economists spin the same dogma that the only way to advance is through education. The jobs that education require are very competitive. Many people are not made to succeed in education. There's nothing wrong with them, but they need other kind of work. 
People who make their living through capitalism have not developed opportunities for people who are not text savvy or book smart. Government has not developed anything to expand opportunity to those whose skill sets not include books. In the urban culture particularly there is a sense of hopelessness and non-inclusion. Our political parties have failed and so has Wall Street. We have seen the same failure in communist countries as well as socialism. 
I think partnership of capitalism and government pulls together resourceful people but they have to be challenged to new ideas, good old ideas to increase opportunities for others. 
In the article I was thinking about the students who were trying to get an education that could compete in the South African universities and workforce. They are smart enough to know that they are not getting what they need. The article talked about tutoring which is a great support. 
There was no mention of students getting support through our online education. I believe that this is a real possibility for the Third World. South Africa is one of the most educated countries in Africa. Educators, government resources need to become more aware of online support. 
motivation & judgement impaired
Sibonelo an 18-year-old featured In the article wants to be the first black botanist in South Africa. He is afraid he is not given the tools to compete. There are courses online that specifically study Botany. In his school there is a lot of time lost because of lack of teacher management in allowing many inappropriate behaviors to dominate the classroom. Sounds like classrooms from Chicago or Philadelphia. Rather than lose the potential of a student like Sibonelo wouldn't online education give him the support he needs. 
Not only do I think online medicine and education can help Liberia, but I think the machines could help the US and South Africa.
Whether or not you agree with my analysis read this informative article.Share with others and help me get the word out.