Wednesday, March 22, 2017

What ever we do there has to be someone to do it.

There have been a couple of you who have sent gifts to encourage those I am ministering to in Liberia. Thank you. 
One of the new wings of ELWA Hospital
I am at present trying to work on my physical conditioning you improve my aerobics so that I can visit Liberia. I am also purchasing a bicycle scooter to help me with my mobility dealing with the heat. The bike can be taken apart and be able to move in villages and some trails. Because the bike as a single speed peddle there will be many times I can get some exercise. I guarantee you the little scooter will attract people for me to talk with. 
I am praying to raise support to travel to Liberia and visit there for about six months. I will have to find lodging in Buchanan where I'm likely to stay. I need to see for myself how the Internet works in Liberia. Using the cell phone or tablet how can I communicate back here in United States.
Is it possible to set up an Internet clinic or school? What are the real problems away from the big city concerning the Internet? From what I'm able to understand the Internet infrastructure may be limited to Monrovia, Buchanan and Harper? 
Would ELWA be willing to partner in this project? Would the hospitals and medical professionals in Liberia be willing to explore Internet clinics?
While I personally want to visit friends in Liberia and there are a few people that I want to find. I can only do this if I go to Liberia again myself. Also I need to go there to talk to people about Internet classrooms and clinics. 
Am I up for this trip? Liberia is a hard country travel to. It's doable but not without sacrifice. It is a country that you would never go to unless you have purpose. There are many more struggles today that we didn't have 40 years ago. So I'm praying about it.
The structures were all temporary
The large emergency ebola hospital that cost over 76 million dollars is now empty returning back to the jungle. More encouraging is the work that the Good Samaritan headed by Franklin Graham rebuilt ELWA hospital which has served Liberia for over 60 years. In the Civil War in the 80s and 90s the hospital was destroyed. Since then it has been rebuilt and played a large part in fighting ebola. The expansion and modernization we'll make the hospital the best in Liberia. 
Barbara and Elaine RNs who set up a clinic in Grand Bassa were in part trained at ELWA in identifying tropical diseases without a laboratory. Barb is my wife and Elaine Lazney were the real deal we went to relieve the Orta’s in 1977. I was just a beautiful blond guy who tag along. They were the only medical help for an area the size Will County, Il.

To be real, there is a lot of work I need to do now. Just what I needed in retirement. Keep walking

Moses home making a little progress

Progress on Moses Tarr' home, He was able to put a metal roof on his house. Considering the amount of rain is 118 inches a year and being on the coast Buchanan has rain during the dry season that you would not experience inland.
Moses has informed me further improvement have been made.

Rain also wreaks havac on the roads. Moses is traveling into the bush where I used to live to work on the mission. Imagine trying to travel on these roads.

I can remember traveling when the roads were like this. A 40 mile trip may take hours to complete. By the time you got your designation you would need to change your clothes and get a shower. Back in the 70's, when I was there, people would asked me, if I was from the Peace Corps. That wasn't a compliment because the peace core workers we're often unkempt and dirty. The kids were often dropped off in locations with very little support. They had to make due.
There was a book then I read, Red Dust on Green Leaves which describes what the iron ore roads did to the green vegetation.