Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Moses working a cassava farm

 Two staples in the Liberian diet are rice and cassava. The Liberian farmer grows a crop then allows the jungle back to replenish the soil. Here my friend Moses and grandson tend to a crop of cassava.
When I lived in Liberia my meals were rice based. I liked palm butter a sauce made from red palm nuts. I never developed a taste for cassava. I did eat it unfermented and it tasted like dumplings. I doubt many people eat chicken and dumplings anymore. It is poor people food.
If you have had tapioca pudding you have eaten cassava. It is a root that looks a little like a potato.
It is the rainy season so working in 90 degree raining heat is hard work. Moses is a mechanic who also farms. He works hard for his family. The Lord has blessed him and has brought him through trials that would have done me in.
I can't wait to see his progress on his home. Moses is helping many of his family as well. Take a look at Ps. 1. What are the benefits of a godly life?
There is work everyday and maybe we don't always see how God is working, but keep watching.
When Moses, Daniel, and Alfred Joe were 10-12 years old I knew their hearts. We worked and played together. I just happened to be their teacher, but that was in the morning. For the next 5-7 hours they collected my water in the dry season, helped interpret, were my guides in the jungle, helped watch Becki then 4 and at 4 pm. other boys would return to play soccer. I played right in the middle of them. Like my son I played goalie. I hated to lose so sometimes I played in the field. I hate to admit it now but that it the truth of it. Win or lose it was always great fun.
Can you know what a man will be when you know him as a youth? I think so
Keep walking

Monday, August 10, 2015

Listen to the beautiful singing of Liberia

Theodore Roosevelt as young man read a bookThat disclosedIn picture and in print the awful struggle of the poor in New York. He sent the following, "I have read the book, I will help". The power of the quote lies in that was personal and open. He probably didn't know how he would help, That would come later with more information and planning.
My students now close to 50 have made contact with me. I have spent some time  getting inform and I too will help. I have neither the energy nor the charisma I'll be young Roosevelt but what I have I'll give.
Enjoying a choir, Moses Tarr organized the conference with four pastors from Monrovia and Buchanan. There was over 300 in attendance. Moses and the other elders of the church had to prepare the the church for the meeting. Which group would be more people then they use they have in their services.
Here you see that careful preparation for the meetings. This work is done and rainy season. This meeting is at a crossroads where three roads meet.
These believers have been through wars, hardships, And here they are giving praise in song and preaching and hearing God's Word. There are several tribes here and a common pigeon English. I would like to be in a corner just listening. I had a small part in this. I am hoping to send a computer for these people to encourage online support. It would be a way for me to minister to those who may have need of help with the suffering they went through.
Enjoy the singing