Monday, September 28, 2015

Help me with the vision of online care for Liberia

No matter where we live our lives can change rather quickly. We can be healthy and get the flu bug which can lead to complications. All of a sudden it is serious.
If you live in the tropics and specifically in the rain forest you will be facing a lifetime battle with malaria. Not all water sources are safe and typhoid is a real issue. If you get both of these things at the same time you are in serious trouble.
Moses became very sick and fortunately he was able to get help at a local hospital. He is pictured here with an IV running with fluids and medicine helping him to recover.
Liberia needs good water sources and water treatment. Library is also in need of better mosquito control and treatment for malaria.
I got malaria when I was about 23. My temperature spiked to  to 105 degrees. I actually hallucinated colors on the wall like a modern artwork of sparkly color. My head really hurt and I and severe flu like symptoms. I was treated and immediately I started feel better. It would be easier for me to get it again if I was in a tropical location.
I saw an ad on the TV where a sick person had a video conference with the doctor. The doctor could interview the patient and view him and was able to start treatment. Such a tool could help a lot of older people get an initial treatment without travel. Lab work and physical examination are lacking, but video conferencing can be a lifesaver for many.
The same could be true for people who need psychological help. People could see a therapist or psychiatrist via the Internet as part of their care. Group counseling could be conducted via video conference.
I am convinced that computer technology can revolutionize medical care to the third world. We could help many poor people who have no access to medical expertise. This could be done from local clinics or even directly into the home or village. My friend who became deathly sick could see a doctor via the Internet and the right modern medicine or treatment could then be conducted.
Clinics in the US could be plugged into medical expertise where is the professional at the clinic could be the eyes and hands of the doctor overseeing it. What we learn both here and abroad could be used to bring medical care to millions of people.
Help me get this idea out to interested people. Needed are the infrastructure of cell towers. The business to supported is already in place. People in Liberia really love their cell phones. Needed are the clinics and pharmacies which can develop the network for security and source to distribute the medicine without corruption. Computer people who would be willing to invest in Computer connections for video conferencing from clinics, villages, smart phones. There are are particularly a lot of young people in America who are tech savvy. This whole project could be very helpful in helping people have a purpose worth getting involved with.
"The generous man will be prosperous, And he who waters will himself be watered." Pro. 11:25 

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