Monday, July 13, 2015

God provides our needs

Moses working on home
As I move forward in my ambition to work for the spiritual and physical needs of the Liberian people, I wanted to let you know that I'm already finding practical ways to be a blessing.
There are many outreaches both secular and religious in which there is a genuine desire to help people. In some organizations both in the government sector and private there is bound to be corruption. When I was in Liberia back in 1977 there were a lot charity that ended up in the black market. 
I was able to get food from Care, a practical amount that I could distribute. That food was used to feed students a second meal. 
“Blessed is he who considers the poor; The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.” Ps. 41:1 Gene Getz in his life essentials study Bible shares of principle here, “in view of Christ sacrifice for us, we are to demonstrate the sensitivity of the caring spirit towards those who are poor and needy.” Jesus himself summed up this Psalm in Matthew 5:7, “The merciful are blessed, for they will should be shown mercy.”
I think helping the poor should be a very personal and practical. In James 2:15, 16 he writes, “15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?” 
Being clothed protects us and help shelter us from a hostile environment. Having a place to live is part of this need. Having food helps our body and is most important in living on this planet. These are basic needs which if not met many other needs are also in trouble.
Moses Tarr's dad James a mason
Doing works or helping the poor won't save us. No our salvation it's based on God loving us and we put our trust in him to save us. It is always a matter of faith first. Being loved by God we now love. Becoming a child of his, we now do his bidding to help others. In both word and deed we show the love of God.
One thing that I thought I could do once one of my students contacted me, I could in a very practical way reach out to help these good people, working hard in poverty to help bless their life. These men and women that I once taught when they were children I know can find out how things are going and how I might encourage them in her walks with the Lord. They may have basic needs, maybe there something I can do for them. In a real way they can be my hands and feet as a live for the Lord. Moses, Daniel and Alfred Joe were closest to me when I lived in Africa. If I can be used by God to help them and encourage them, I don't think I could do anything better. 
I am very encouraged to right now in helping Moses. The house he lives in now has matted walls. Liberia has a rainy season that last six months. When it rains in Liberia it will rain all day and night. Along the coast where Moses lives it rains over 200 inches a year. That is entirely all of the rainy season. Right now, water gets through his walls. Moses whose father was a mason has the skill to build a cement block home. He has been able to build the walls any is now working on the roof. This home Will better protect his family. 

Home taking form
The average worker in Africa makes about two dollars a day according to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal. Moses as a mechanic makes about $150 dollars a month. No matter how you cut that, it would be hard to live in today's world on $150. In the book of James I cannot walk away from this. For me to walk Liberia I have to consider the poor. So I've given some money from Moses to do as he sees fit to help his life. These gifts are for him to manage and not for me to tell him to do. I do know that Moses's ministry has been blessed of late. He is doing things I could never do. I am praying about a computer for Moses and a smart phone. These things can help him and his ministry and help me to be more connected to Africa. The whole project excites me, keep walking.

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