Tuesday, March 8, 2016

You are not alone with depression

You are not alone if you battle depression. Over 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression. Depression can affect anybody rich or pour. Whether you live in Europe, North America, Africa or the South Pole you can suffer from depression. Liberia has been through Civil War and political wars that lasted a long time.
War can bring on a special problem called posttraumatic stress, PST. We will explore this topic later; but it has a connection to depression.
Depression wants to tell you that only you have a problem. But the truth is many people have depression and you're not alone. People sharing together there're stories can be very helpful in overcoming depression. You can learn from each other.
Job, David, Elijah, Jeremiah all suffered depression in the Bible. Great people in history suffered from depression like Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill.
Famous people from every country have suffered depression. You may know well known people in Liberia who have suffered depression.
Depression is a major health problem that can be very dangerous. We have to take it serious because many people kill themselves. Let me be clear, depression can be overcome and you can feel good again about yourself.
After two years with insomnia I suffered from depression and Anxiety. With therapy, medicine and strong family support I am overcome depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress. I also sleep very well every night now. I began to feel better rather quickly by practicing some of the things I've learned in therapy. We will talk about these things. I saw an improvement weeks before the medicine was supposed to have an effect.
I knew that God was with me and wanted to help me overcome depression. He brought good people into my life that new how to treat depression. I was his child and he loved me.
Have hope, keep walking

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