Sunday, November 20, 2016

The passing of one of my former students, Augustus Potter.

I found out today one of my former students passed away. His name is Augustus Potter age 50 years old. He died from complications of diabetes. As a young student he was smart had a lively personality. He was part of a family with the father had 16 wives. The head wife was a Christian and insisted that all the wives children get an education including the girls. One of her sons became a doctor and another was a teacher. This was back in 1977. I was impressed that a country woman had such ambitions. Augustus was one of my older students and I thought he too would be successful. He remained a friendly guy and will be missed.
Diabetes is one of the three most deadly diseases we face. Liberia nutrition is based starches  on rice and cassava. Greens and herbs and spices are in the diet but little protein. Having war for over 20 years takes it toll on health. I am not sure if he had type 1 or 2 diabetes. Care in his life would have to had many difficulties. 

Can I get healthy and fit enough to visit Liberia? I would like to see how the internet could help with health and education improvements. Could people with skill be linked with people in need. It is on my bucket list. Keep walking

Saturday, August 13, 2016

I can see the difference it makes

Moses is making progress on his home
Most people in world are poor. Also the majority of Christians are poor. We live the fallen world and as a result we will always have poor people. This is such a big problem no government or person can remove poverty from the planet. Today there is a common outcry about our founding fathers either compromising or benefiting from slavery. But did you know that slavery is a big problem today. Slavery was always wrong. In the first century church 60% of the population were slaves. A large number in the church were slaves. We can learn from history but we need to be aware of real problems today. There are millions of slaves today.
One of the consistent sarcasm's against the church today is that the church is filled with so many dysfunctional, uneducated, lower class people. The church is often a haven for the mentally ill. If we look pass some of these modern labels the common thread is that the church is made up of a lot of poor people. People in poverty and they are always easy targets.
I have many happy memories of sitting in poor villages talking to very poor people. Many of these people only had the
He is building his home
during the raining season
clothes on their back. We shared stories back-and-forth. A poor village wouldn't give me the honor of a bottle of coca-Cola. The cost of that drink would be a day’s wage. I learned so much about the Liberian culture. 
Things are improving in Liberia. Most people in Liberia make $150 in a month or less. The best way to live in Liberia would be to have a job and the ability to continue some level of traditional farming. The poorest people in Liberia are unable to continue some level of traditional life, packed into the city's ghettos there are a lot of desperate people. 
There is no amount of human resource they can meet the need around the world, or even in the United States. We will always have a problem of human poverty. 
This is my opinion that this should humble us. If we look at it closer it can even overwhelm us. Our level of ability to inflict pain and oppression on one another goes above my comprehension. 
Bible conferences are reaching many w the Good News
As a Christian I can't ignore the poor. Helping the orphan and the poor is basic to a biblical religion. All humans suffer from spiritual poverty which is why I share the gospel. There are strong appeals from God to care for the poor in the Old and New Testament. Our response should be personal and addressing some need that we are aware of. It is not first a call out to others, first personal response. 

That response certainly made involve cooperation with other people doing a specific situation. In my case, it is being aware of people in my life who are in poverty. I am blessed to help those I know in Liberia. I certainly have my limitations, but it's good to know I can make a difference. Seeing these few take advantage to improve their education, to improve their shelter and home. To improve their care and education of their loved ones. To see them share the gospel and encourage others in their church. What ever I can encourage for the people of Liberia in regard to online education or clinics I know there's a few poor people who God connected me with to bless them. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Great article from WSJ. Education in South Africa struggling like our own urban schools. Can online support help Sibonelo?

The Wall Street Journal published the story today on report of South Africa schools. Apparently teachers are not accountable and many students are on school grounds missing classes and participating in gambling and drugs. In the classes there are too many unmotivated students. Schools such as Orlando West High School that was a beacon of light for students has now deteriorated. 
According to the article more money is spent on education, 20% of the South African budget which is a higher percentage than either Switzerland or Japan. In fairness I think it's safe to say that Switzerland and Japan make more money and have a more stable economy. More money is spent on education then healthcare or military in South Africa. 
Many classes are canceled because the teachers to stay home. Drugs like marijuana and
Sibonelo 18 wants to study botany
home made opiates are widely used. Motivation is certainly being affected. 
Sounds just like in the US  there are not enough jobs in the marketplace to give people an opportunity for success. Educators and economists spin the same dogma that the only way to advance is through education. The jobs that education require are very competitive. Many people are not made to succeed in education. There's nothing wrong with them, but they need other kind of work. 
People who make their living through capitalism have not developed opportunities for people who are not text savvy or book smart. Government has not developed anything to expand opportunity to those whose skill sets not include books. In the urban culture particularly there is a sense of hopelessness and non-inclusion. Our political parties have failed and so has Wall Street. We have seen the same failure in communist countries as well as socialism. 
I think partnership of capitalism and government pulls together resourceful people but they have to be challenged to new ideas, good old ideas to increase opportunities for others. 
In the article I was thinking about the students who were trying to get an education that could compete in the South African universities and workforce. They are smart enough to know that they are not getting what they need. The article talked about tutoring which is a great support. 
There was no mention of students getting support through our online education. I believe that this is a real possibility for the Third World. South Africa is one of the most educated countries in Africa. Educators, government resources need to become more aware of online support. 
motivation & judgement impaired
Sibonelo an 18-year-old featured In the article wants to be the first black botanist in South Africa. He is afraid he is not given the tools to compete. There are courses online that specifically study Botany. In his school there is a lot of time lost because of lack of teacher management in allowing many inappropriate behaviors to dominate the classroom. Sounds like classrooms from Chicago or Philadelphia. Rather than lose the potential of a student like Sibonelo wouldn't online education give him the support he needs. 
Not only do I think online medicine and education can help Liberia, but I think the machines could help the US and South Africa.
Whether or not you agree with my analysis read this informative article.Share with others and help me get the word out.

Friday, July 29, 2016

iTunes U offers opportunities to learn on line. Can it help Liberians?

I am back from a two-week vacation in Florida with my son’s family. And the second week I swam every day In the Gulf. On the Gulf there is a breeze and in water though warm I stayed cool. There was a heatwave in Florida where are the temperatures reached 100° and my medication reacted to it. In two weeks my body became a little more custom to it. The experience boosted my doctor's advice to build up my conditioning and lose weight. It is clear to me right now I am not ready for Liberia. 
Can I improve my own overall health? That will be the key. 
In the meantime today I was exploring iTunes learning opportunities for both college and high school. Online education is a real option for those who are in areas where's school was not developed. Liberians love their phones and as cell towers are built Smart phones and tablets can be used for Liberians to tap in to improve their education. 
The Liberian government should look into online education to develop for the interior. The Liberians have the language, culture to bridge education through the 15 languages andEnglish overall. 
Some of the resources are free others have a price with I Tunes U. These resources can certainly supplement material for teacher to bring to their students. I am for example in my retirement doing studies with Dallas theological seminary. Some of the courses I may purchase for credit to complete the Study. For example I am studying New Testament Greek but to get all the lectures I will have to pay for it. At my age I'm not necessarily sure I want a Masters, but who knows. The material offered is worth the study.
Why am I doing this stuff? I think
this child is worth the best.
Is it possible to get a K-12 education that can fit into a third world workers budget? Many people in Liberia who need education only make about $100 hundred hours $150 a month. These working people are worth the same as you and I in an economy where we make more. They need an opportunity but that that means more was have to volunteer our time and effort. 
So my Liberian friends check out iTunes U. Can it help you? Can you access it? Those of you who are in education in Liberia how can online support improve education in Liberia? 

This stuff spurs me on to get to Liberia to test this out. 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Praying like a poor man, harder than you think

I was reading Oswald Chambers My Utmost for his Highest June 9 devotion titled, For Everyone that Asketh Receiveth. Luke 11:10
Study light is a great resource for Bible study. When most of us go to prayer we do not go to prayer with a perspective a of a poor man. I now live on a pension from work and Social Security. In my life giving was governed by the principle of planning and some discipline to stay within my means. Giving for me it was a joy in the spirit of unconditional love. Giving was always limited by my resources many times was joined with others who's gifts we're part of meeting a bigger need. Again most needs that I had we're met by provision and planning. I have experience a few times needs being met beyond what I could provide.
When a poor man prays he has little daily provision to plan with. The need is there but he can't meet it. So how does he pray? A poor man begs. Most of the time others then look down at him. For pity they may throw small coins his direction. Very few of the passerby's really look to do anything that might meet the need.  
In Luke 11:9 in the Greek three present imperatives in this verse (Ask…seek…knock) are probably intended to call for a repeated or continual approach before God. Lk. 11:10 repeats the (ask… seek… knock) indicated that the repeated asking God does respond. 
Matt. 5:3a The poor in spirit is a reference to the “pious poor” for whom God especially cares. See 
Moses Tarr at Alfred Joe's home. These men are my 
friends. They are good men, better than me that is for
sure. They work hard and have trades. 
Ps 14:6 You sinners frustrate the plans of the afflicted, but the Lord is his refuge.” ; 22:24 For He has not despised or detested the torment of the afflicted. He did not hide His face from him but listened when he cried to Him for help.”; 
25:16 “Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am alone and afflicted.”; 
34:6 “This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him from all his troubles.”; 40:17 “I am afflicted and needy; the Lord thinks of me. You are my helper and my deliverer; my God, do not delay.; 
69:29 ”But as for me—poor and in pain—let Your salvation protect me, God.”
When it comes to prayer many of us are in the dark about it. I have shared an extended quote from Thomas Constable writes concerning asking God to stimulate to grey cells and maybe a little bit of insight. God wants us to ask (beg) and understand our dependence on him. Many of us would balk at such idea.
Asking for Ourselves building a theology of prayer
“Some sincere Christians believe that it is selfish and not very trusting to ask God to give us anything. Some believe that praying for personal needs is more a mark of unbelief than of trust in God. After all, since God loves us perfectly will He not do what is best for us? 
Such an attitude may superficially sound very spiritual. However, it contradicts Jesus' clear teaching that God's children should ask Him for their needs (Matt. 6:11; Luke 11:1-4). It also ignores James' statement that we do not have some things from God because we do not ask Him for them (James 4:2). God not only encourages us to ask Him for what we need, but He commands us to do so. Evidently He does so to teach us to look to Him for our needs since He is our provider. 
God's responses to personal petitions teach us what we can expect when we pray this way. Sometimes God granted the request, but sometimes He did not. Sometimes He waited to give an answer. We shall investigate the conditions we need to meet for securing favorable answers to our prayers in a later chapter. For now, appreciate that often God graciously gives what we request for ourselves. 
Jesus told his disciples the parable of the persistent friend to help them realize that God will always give what is best to His children who ask Him in prayer (Luke 11:5-13). A friend may eventually give his neighbor what he needs because he is his friend. However, God is our Father, and a good father always gives his children what is best for  them at the best time. Therefore we should keep on asking in prayer, keep on seeking God's face, and keep on knocking on heaven's door. 
Fortunately God does not grant every one of our requests just because we ask. Sometimes we make foolish petitions. Moses once asked God to kill him because he felt discouraged (Num. 11:15). Fortunately God understands our situation and gives us what is best. Sometimes when old people pray for longer life God takes them home to heaven. If He does, that is best for them then.” 
A poor man ask God for $700.00 to buy an engine to put into a truck. The truck then can help the poor man who works in the trade too build cement block buildings and mason work. Having the truck gives a greater possibility for work and a livable income. God has put this poor man on my heart to help him on a regular basis. While I can plan a regular gift I have no resource for a $700.00 gift. In essence I am in the same place as the poor man. I have to look to God and ask him to provide. 
The chance to purchase the engine came and went. It did help Barbara and I to put aside what we can to have a fund to meet such needs. Our resources are limited, but I am determined to give what I can. 
I believe the request was a good request. Maybe the engine was no good? Maybe at this juncture God wanted me to understand then he would provide Beyond what I am capable? I actually him more sympathetic to the poor man's request. 
Oswald Chambers was writing around World War I. He was writing hundred years ago. Christians back then closer to day to needs. I believe back then there were many who understood the ministry of prayer. Chambers reminds us that “ask” here is meant to be beg. To be poor in spirit men somebody who was dependent on God. Here I think there are less people who have little experience with this. We are more experienced with being encouraged to be self dependent. But the first characteristics in the Beatitudes for a believer is to be “poor in spirit”. Can God care for the poor? God is given human responsibility for this we see throughout the Scriptures. In our secular progressive society we want others to pay for the poor. But do we take on our personal responsibility to do it? For arguments sake I don't think so. 
It is not wrong to steer the government to care for the poor. Franklin Roosevelt help the American people needed to know that the government cared about their suffering in the 1930s. His response did not end the depression but it gave hope. Some ideas that came from that were good and others were not as good. Government can never be big enough to take care of human need. Human effort in commerce can bring wealth and prosperity to others. If it does not listen to the Scriptures to care for fellow human; it can be rather brutal and slums result and multitudes lose hope. If we learn to invest in our fellow man and woman many more benefit. 
The biggest resource that the poor have is not government nor the rich. Their biggest resource for the poor are you and I that are closer to the poor and we can personalize our support. We can invent better ways to care for our fellows. Together we build what is needed. But we have to take personal responsibility and not just give it over to government or the rich. The biggest link we need is the Lord. Some of you may disagree with that. But the human experience is a lot closer to being poor then you can imagine.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Tools for ministry

Tools for ministry
Dr. Gene Getz
I am planning to write and create resources that can be used by my Liberian friends. But I think even a greater gift would be to give resources that I use myself. Several of you are bilingual in the Liberian languages and English. There are many online ministries that could be very helpful to you. 
Today I received an email from Dr. Gene Getz. Dr. Getz has written many helpful books and has developed a study Bible that focuses on application, Life Eessentials study Bible. You can go to his website and follow the menu to the principals listed topically or you can click the Bible link, Search by the Book and follow the principles as you read through the Bible. Right now I am reading through Isaiah and following the principles as I read in think through the book. You can get a life essentials app for your phone, tablet, or computer. You also can sign-up for Dr. Getz’ newsletter. 
May God richly bless you, Rev. Bill Reeves

Here is a sample of a video I recently viewed and was encouraged. I will update you on how this ministry will be a blessing.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Liberia is more to me than memories

Moses Tarr giving me a shave in 1977
I first became aware of Liberia back in the spring 1976. I was newly married and Barb had an inner ear infection and was hospitalized for nine days in St. Joe’s. I heard of an opportunity to serve as a short term missionary in a place called Liberia, West Africa. As I looked into it I thought it was something that we can do. I also thought that my wife would think call things too risky and say no. 
Moses Tarr last year
Using skills to build and lead a church
I felt pretty safe so I went to see Barbara after work. At the time I was working at St. Joe's hospital. I took the elevator up to the eighth or ninth floor where she was at and shared with her the opportunity to served as  a missionary. To my surprise she was interested and said yes that we should pray about it. Now I really had a problem, was this something we should do?
Samuel Saturday pastors
Quickly many things fell into place. Our visa which would normally take years to process was approved right away by no less than the vice president of Liberia. Louis Orta had given the vice president hospitality on one of the trips the vice president took in the interior. It was often customary for a politician to get a drink of water from a mission because water was safer. It had nothing to do with politics. They ran into each other on the streets of Monroevia and Louis ask the vice president to okay our visa. And we were set to go to Liberia for a one-year service. 
While I was preparing to go I did all I could to learn about Liberia. 

Barbara and Elaine were RNs and they would establish a clinic to serve in the area about the size the Will County. At that time we were in the bush or the jungle. I would take up to the leadership in the school and church. The mission property at the time was 300 acres. We had a football field, a school and church. We had a building that looked like a garage that was service as the clinic. Our home
Daniel Tarr we have just
last week connected
was a three bedroom mud and stick zink roof, Windows with screens and shutters. We had an out house and shower. We would build I thatch roof waiting room.
Alfred Joe still hoping to connect with
At the core of my interest in Liberia today is to help the boys who are now men ease their burdens and support them in their ministries. I am so glad these nearly 40 years later to find these follows walking with the Lord. 
They each are doing more than I did and more effectively. All of them had work to educate their children and now grandchildren. If I do nothing more than help them I am blessed.
I am praying that I improve my health and conditioning to once again return to Liberia to see for myself the obstacles in using the Internet for education and medical evaluation. I also want to see old friends and encourage what they're doing. I may never get healthy enough to do this, but I'm praying about it.

Did I make a difference in that year? It seems I did, but I'm not done yet. Keep walking

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

You are not alone with depression

You are not alone if you battle depression. Over 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression. Depression can affect anybody rich or pour. Whether you live in Europe, North America, Africa or the South Pole you can suffer from depression. Liberia has been through Civil War and political wars that lasted a long time.
War can bring on a special problem called posttraumatic stress, PST. We will explore this topic later; but it has a connection to depression.
Depression wants to tell you that only you have a problem. But the truth is many people have depression and you're not alone. People sharing together there're stories can be very helpful in overcoming depression. You can learn from each other.
Job, David, Elijah, Jeremiah all suffered depression in the Bible. Great people in history suffered from depression like Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill.
Famous people from every country have suffered depression. You may know well known people in Liberia who have suffered depression.
Depression is a major health problem that can be very dangerous. We have to take it serious because many people kill themselves. Let me be clear, depression can be overcome and you can feel good again about yourself.
After two years with insomnia I suffered from depression and Anxiety. With therapy, medicine and strong family support I am overcome depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress. I also sleep very well every night now. I began to feel better rather quickly by practicing some of the things I've learned in therapy. We will talk about these things. I saw an improvement weeks before the medicine was supposed to have an effect.
I knew that God was with me and wanted to help me overcome depression. He brought good people into my life that new how to treat depression. I was his child and he loved me.
Have hope, keep walking

Friday, March 4, 2016

I got to hear the Bible in Bassa

I recently downloaded an app where there is 1243 languages where they have a translation of the Bible. I believe translations are being added daily. You can search via language, or country and they have two versions in audio. One version is dramatic with different readers doing different characters with music in the background. And the other version is just somebody reading the Bible text. Some of the languages have a written text. 
In English there were 11 versions and many of them were audio in a few dramatic. 
You can get the software and running from your computer online or download the app.
Library is made up of 16 tribal languages in the app list 15 languages. On the computer listed to languages Kpelle and Bassa. When I went under languages I was also able to find all 15 languages. 
The translations that have text that are online are divided up by traditional verses. Listening to the Bible is divided up by chapters. Both the website and the app have a translation for the hearing impaired.
Explore the website and share with your friends. Let the missionaries that you support  know about it. 

Bassa ( an audio for Bassa in Cameron, audio for Bassa in Liberia) Vai audio), Bandi (audio), Belleh (text), English (audio & text), Dan (east and west, audio and text). Greco (text), Kisi (audio), Klao (audio), Krahn audio), Krumen Tepo - Kroumen Tepo (was only in text), Lorma (audio), Mano (audio), Mende ( audio & text, there is also a Mende from Papua New Guinea)

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Negative thinking is like driver ants

Dr. Daniel Amen an American psychiatrist shares another way you can fight depression is to identify and kill the ants, the Automatic Negative Thoughts that keep you feeling down. This List is from an article, Two of the Most Important Ways to Beat Depression Dec. 8, 2016
#1 All or nothing thinking – also known as black and white thinking
#2 “Always” thinking – using words like, always, never, no one, everyone, every time and everything
#3 Focusing on the negative – selectively seeing only the bad in a situation and disregarding the good things that occur
#4 Fortune telling – predicting the worst possible outcome to situations
#5 Mind reading – believing that you know what another person is thinking even though he or she hasn’t told you
#6 Thinking with your feelings – happens when you believe your feelings and don’t question them– even when there is no evidence to support how you feel
#7 Guilt beatings – thinking with words like should, must, ought and have to
#8 Labeling – calling yourself or someone else a derogatory name diminishes your ability to see situations clearly
#9 Blaming – when you don’t take responsibility for your actions, you lose your power to make changes
Try to come up within an example of each of the nine negative thoughts.
I'm going to take a look at #3 focusing on the negative. When we are depressed we actually see everything from that point of view. When it comes to ourselves always see is bad things. When you look at your day all you can recall is the bad things that happen. Those bad things are all you're thinking about.
You can help your depression by challenging each negative thought. What is not true about that negative thought? Think of three things you are thankful for. Think up two things that were good for you today. You had a meal today. Before you went to bed it started to cool off. You saw a child smile today. You saw a snake in the bush and were able to walk away from the snake. Now think of three things in your experience today that was good.
Overcoming depression isn't it easy. It is harder when you don't have today's medications. But I can tell you even if you had the best of medicine you still have to do the work at it like identifying the ants, negative thinking that we all look at. Keep walking
I am not a doctor. But I do want you to know things that may help you with depression.

Exercise can help you with depression

Exercise can help you with depression
Good day to you my Liberian friends. When it comes to walking most Liberians are walkers. But did you know a 20, 30 minute walk done at a fast pace your brain releases many feel good chemicals that's give you a feeling of eveerything is OK according to Dr. Daniel Amen. Dr. Kenneth Cooper observe this years ago with people who are training to be long distance runners. It was called a “runners high”. 
Liberia being in a rain forest is very hot. I would encourage this walk that is fast-paced early in the morning before the sun rises above the palm trees. Make sure you drink plenty of safe water. Walking this way helps the heart, can help diabetes, and it helps your body fight illnesses. You have and immune system in your body that fights against germs, bacteria, and viruses that you cannot see but can make you very sick.

Exercise is one of the things that we do and take care of our selves. For most of us walking is easy. For Liberians, we have to find a way to walk faster for a 20-30 minute walk. Not all of our walking has to be fast-paced. It is too hot in Liberia to walk that way throughout the day. A short time in the morning or evening can't helpless to enjoy this healthy walk. Keep walking.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

I think my effort is falling short

Am I doing enough? 
My heart is sadden with a death of a beautiful smart girl I didn’t know. Evon Tarr age 26 died a day or so. She is the daughter of Daniel Tarr on of my students in Liberia. Evon graduated from highschool which tells you how much Daniel and Evon valued education for women. Her loss will be felt by many. 
I knew she was critical but I was so helpless on this side of the Atlantic. Daniel and his family were unable to get her the medical care she needed. Liberia has a very difficult time getting care to the working Liberian whose income may be somewhere around $100.00-200.00. 
I was not able to help. 

I wish I could write better and be able to have a bigger audience. I know there are things that can be done. I am driven to improve my health. I also need to improve my communication with those in Liberia. Can I help the poor in a personal and effective way? As long as I have life I have got to try. Keep walking

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Train nurses and informed care to see what a doctor sees

Drew Hinshaw wrote a report in the Wall Street Journal about the people who had to bury the 11,000 people who died from Ebola; are now having to deal with the posttraumatic stress from the experience. Many of these workers were involved in the Civil War of 14 years as well. I can add to those experiences the trauma of seeing many people die from malaria and other tropical diseases. When I lived in Liberia, many families would give a permanent name to their children at the age of eight because 50% of the children died before the age of eight from tropical diseases. 
From these conditions it is easy for me to see as the article reports before the Ebola outbreak in 2011 “40% of the 500,000 people in Nimba County exhibited symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder.” That is 200,000 people in one county. If you then factor in the Ebola tragedy stress already had a breaking point would show many people are suffering.
For 4,000,000 people in Liberia there is only one psychiatrist. Potentially a 40% being affected with post-traumatic stress disorder when be around 1,600,000. The actual number maybe more than that but I have no way of knowing. 
Related to this large number would be people suffer from depression and anxiety. 
I have already reported on how schizophrenia is being treated by chaining people to trees. When I lived in Liberia I saw a man who was nude with the car bumper chained to his body. He was walking right down the street in the rainy season in Buchanan. This let everybody know that he had a mental illness and without treatment that was his lot. 
From these reports the only sensible treatments available would be through clinics or nurses administrating hopefully medicines that treat the disorders. 
Matthew Kruah, one of the so-called burial boys,
who helped inter victims of Ebola
The New York Times reports Benedict Carey, in Ghana and another places in Africa nurses are being trained as well as community support systems to help people with these problems. The reality is there will never be enough doctors. People can still be helped if nurses, therapists can be trained to see what the doctor sees to prescribe the right medicine and dose; and then monitor the progress and make changes like the doctor would. Support could be given by training pastors, the most educated in an area, to run support groups. Online education would be one of the best ways to get to meet people connected to good ideas about support groups. AA could train people to run groups for alcohol and drugs abuse. 
Connecting with people who are interested and have people skills could be very helpful in helping people with posttraumatic-stress, depression and anxiety. I think it is important to remember that the people who are being trained come from a different educational system then what we have in United States. 
In the New York Times article by Carey reported that these programs would have to be evaluated in time to see if they were effective. To be honest with you I think we are years away from seeing more psychiatrists in Liberia. Doctors follow the money so training nonprofessional people is something that we have to do better. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Share your story to heal

One of the things that Dr. Allen's or his psychologist shares for people Who are suffering from depression, anxiety and even post traumatic stress they can begin to understand their pain by sharing their story.
There is something about being with people who have similar problems and sharing each other many cases the story includes betrayal that allows the abuse to have taken place in the first place. 
In war the betrayal might be from politicians or leaders who fail to prevent the war and the hell of it. The abuse of war happens is people go through hell on earth trying to survive. War affects everybody. 
Share your story. How are you betrayed and how are you were abused. Saying, writing down your story can be very helpful.
Find me another to have had similar experiences and miss each of you share your experiences this can be very therapeutic. If you don't have someone to talk to I would be glad to listen.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Good stuff on the net

I was reading in the book of Isaiah in the Holman Christian standard Bible. And I've been following the principles taught by Dr.Gene Getz. The translation is real clear and present it in paragraph form that makes it easy to read from. The translators have taken great care to give us a good rendering of the Scriptures. I give it a thumbs up.
Dr. Gatz has online video teachings that goal long with the principles in the study Bible. And his talks enhance the study. It's just another layer that's found on the Internet they can be real good for people. If you're looking for Bible teaching with the emphasis on application check out Gene Getz Life principal study Bible.
Overall I think you will enjoy the Bible study. And nothing beats reading the Bible and a new rendering. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

To know Jesus as our Savior we have to know the good news of the gospel.

The good news:
Moses recovering from malaria and typhoid.
Thank God he lived.
Staying in the book of Romans we read in 5:8, But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus died on the cross for you and I. He took on Himself our sins and paid the penalty for our sins. If you were dying of malaria and I took that malaria in my body where you were free from it that would be good news for you and your family.   That is what Jesus did for us. He took away our sins and the punishment so that we could be saved and know God. It certainly shows God’s love.
By the way when I lived in Liberia I suffered from malaria. If I did suffer again as an old man it would be too bad.

Ephesians 2:8, 9 tell us more of the good news. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” We have to trust in Jesus to save us from sin and its wage of death. We cannot do it ourselves. When we die we are helpless we can’t move. Only God can take us to heaven. The shell is left to this earth until the time God raises and gives it life. Until then our soul and spirit go to heaven. 

We express that trust in the Savior by prayer. Romans 10:13 says, “For, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." Call on God to save you and He will. Now you can begin you walk with God. 

Email me for any concerns.

To know Jesus we have to know the truth about sin and death.

If you want to begin a walk with God, it starts by faith with knowing Christ as your Savior. Has anyone ever shown you from the Bible how you can know God through Jesus Christ and know for sure you are going to heaven? May I show you?

The bad news: 

Recently too many died in the Ebola out break. Death breaks our
hearts with sadness. 
The Bible tells us “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” Romans  3:23 We have all done things wrong. The 6 commandments dealing with human behavior show us what we need to know, we have all lied, stole, disobeyed our parents, hated, had sexual thoughts toward others we shouldn’t have, coveted others belongings or relationships. You may argue one area but we have all done something wrong. Because of our sin we don’t meet God’s standards for entrance into His Heaven. We fall short. If you and I wanted to throw a rock to Monrovia from Harper, I think you could throw farther than me. Both of our throws would come up short of hitting the Monrovia. It is even a greater problem going to heaven. We can’t get there on our own. Every funeral shows us that as we look at the body of a loved one. There is no life left in the body. That body will go back to the earth. We are helpless after death; also we don't even know where heaven is.
In Romans 6:23 the Bible tells us in Romans 6:23a, For the wages of sin is death,” A wage is something we earn and because of our sins we earn death. Death comes to us all. In any culture and at any time you would have to agree that is bad news. 
We have a big palavar wouldn't you say.